Thursday, September 16, 2010


I used to think I was extremely lucky. Extremely lucky that on one Friday in June, I met this random person who started the change in my life that made me who I am now. Extremely lucky that I met more people that also helped me changed into who I am. Extremely lucky that I found a place that I can call home. Extremely lucky that I met God. It still amazes me, months later, the change that I made. I can think about where I was before and where I am now, and it still dumbfounds me. It doesn't happen, right? An empty heart, now complete? A depressed teenager, now happy? A pothead, sober for months? A pessimistic view, turned into an optimistic view? A life that would've eventually lead to death, now a life that will one day lead to eternal life? 
With everything I just said, many people here can consider themselves lucky, right? I'm not the only life here that has drastically changed after meeting God. I'm not the only one that was once a pothead that is now sober. I'm not the only one that was once depressed that is now happy. And, I can state this with no question; I was not the only one with an empty heart that is now filled. I was once told, “That doesn't happen, people just get lucky, like you.”
In the dictionary, luck is defined as 'good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance.' With the first part of the definition, 'good fortune',  is what I believe God is. He is an amazing fortune. I don't mean fortune as in wealth, money or riches. If I were to use the word riches, it would be like being rich in the holy spirit. In the second part of the definition, that states, 'advantage or success', I can correlate that with God also. God is a definite advantage in my life. The advantage of having God in our lives, we know that our lives are set. We're good for life and after. The last part of the definition is 'as the result of chance'.
I looked at this and I couldn't think of anything that could correlate this with God. Chance? Chance is like winning the lottery. It's something that probably wont happen, but because one was lucky, it happened. You were chosen, at random, to receive something of good fortune. It could be money, a new house, whatever the case may be. It wasn't something you deserved and it wasn't something you earned. At random, your name was picked out of a hat and you got lucky. 
I don't think I'm lucky anymore. My life drastically changed because of God? Amazing yes, but definitely not luck. God didn't put your name in a hat and picked you out and said, 'Oh well, because I picked her name out , I'm going to go ahead and change her life today.' He didn't pick you at random. He didn't pick me at random. No, I don't deserve Him and He wasn't something I earned.  It doesn't happen 'just because'. He doesn't pick out a few people. God picks everyone. He picked each and every one of us. That's not called luck.  So I don't think I'm lucky anymore. My life drastically changed? Your life drastically changed? It's by the grace of God, and nothing more than that. 

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